- Windshield wiper motor for the movement.
- Scrap wood - used to build the box to secure the motor and also the legs for support and the base.
- Bolts - used to secure the wood legs to the base, then bolted the leg supports to the wood box containing the motor.
- 1 inch and 1/2 inch PVC pipe and connections - shoulders, neck, arms.
- Zip ties - used to connect lower PVC arms to the PVC arms, allows movement of the lower arms.
- Styrofoam head - got on sale at local craft store.
- Theatrical Hair .
- Paint and Spray Paint.
- Pumpkin teeth - cut a couple and placed them in the zombies mouth.
- Large cotton pads - used to build the neck. Wood glue water mixed with brown paint - used this for the throat to be built. Soaked the cotton pads in this and stuck them to the bottom of the head.
- Dress shirt , pants, shoes, and staple gun - stapled the pants and shoes to the wood framing.
- Latex Gloves and Spray foam - used this to make the hands.